• learning centre, Fitlearning Canada

    Informed by science
    loved by learners

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learning centre, Fitlearning Canada

Informed by science, loved by learners.


About our model

A transformative learning model that consistently produces 1-2 years growth in as little as 40 hours. We can make gains with any type of learner, gifted, struggling, learning disabled, average, or talented.

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Why our model works

We isolate core learning skills and train them to fluency – a measure of true mastery or proficiency. Fit Learning programs are individualized and built around fast-paced, 1-on-1 interactions.

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About us

We approach every learner as a unique case & develop curriculum for their specific needs. Unlike many tutoring or education franchises, each Fit Learning Lab is fully certified by and operates under the direct supervision and consultation of a team of educators and PhD’s.

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learning centre, Fitlearning Canada

The science of learning meets the art of teaching.

Fit Learning is the only organization which combines Precision Teaching, Direct Instruction, Curriculum Based Measurement, Relational Frame Theory, with science-based measurement and data-collection into one comprehensive approach.

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Testimonials from Parents about Fit Learning

  • After her first 40 hour enrollment, Mable isn’t a perfect reader yet, but she doesn’t try to escape reading anymore. In the past if she came across a word she didn’t know, she wouldn’t attempt it, and we would hear “ I can’t do it”. After this first enrollment, there is a confidence to her approach to reading now. When she sees a word she doesn’t know, she thinks she will figure it out. Reading speed is up, comprehension is up, but the biggest difference is her new level of confidence about reading and her willingness to try.
  • We feel that the most unique feature of learning here at Fit is that learning can be both personalized and evidence-based. As doctors, we are big on using interventions that are show to actually work! With Fit, we feel that we can trust that our children’s time spent learning with you is always effective.
  • We have been thrilled with the progress that Janet has made. And more importantly, she is always excited to come to Fit Learning. Her confidence is soaring and her teachers at school have noticed that he is progressing as well. Thank you!
learning centre, Fitlearning Canada

See Results In

40 Hours


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